Saturday, 26 February 2011

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

4 Year Old Child Murdered - Because He Refused To Call Lesbian Pervert Daddy

4 year old Jandre Botha murdered for refusing to call lesbian daddy

Greegor - 21 Nov 2006 10:27 GMT

South Africa

Botha (Lesbian bio Mom) let her 'partner' kill her son

Lesbian couple guilty of gruesome murder
Baldwin Ndaba
March 23 2006 at 05:30AM

Four-year-old Jandre Botha refused to call his mother's lesbian lover"daddy" - and paid with his life.Jandre's father, Jan Botha, was in the Vereeniging regional court'spublic gallery on Wednesday when his former wife, Hanelie Botha, 31,and her partner, Engeline de Nysschen, 33, were found guilty of thegruesome murder of his son.He sat in court holding the hands of his fiancée, Yolanda Deysel, andlistened attentively to magistrate Rita Willemse, who, in her judgment,accepted evidence that among the reasons that led to Jandre's brutalordeal was his refusal to call De Nysschen "daddy".The court had heard evidence from Lydia Nkomo and her daughter AlettaLesiba, who worked for the couple in their tuckshop, that De Nysschenhad viciously assaulted Jandre while demanding that he must call her"daddy".'His mother should have been aware of this'Both testified that while Jandre was assaulted, his mother failed tointervene or protect him. Evidence showed he had sustained horrificinjuries, including a fractured skull and brain damage, as well asbroken legs, collarbone, hands and pelvis.The court accepted the evidence of Professor Mohammed Dada, a traumaexpert, who said the boy's injuries were similar to those of a personwho had fallen from a double-storey building.Delivering judgment, Willemse acknowledged there was no substantialevidence linking Hanelie to the assaults, but said she was equallyguilty of murder for failing in her legal duty to protect her childagainst abuse and violation.The court found she had lied to Dr Elna Gibson, one of the medicaldoctors who treated Jandre, by saying the boy obtained his injuriesafter he had slipped in the bath.The court ruled that she had lied to protect De Nysschen. The doctorswho had examined Jandre dismissed the pair's version that he hadslipped in the bath. They said excessive force was required to inflictthe kind of fatal injuries sustained by Jandre.'She did nothing to protect her own child'Convicting the two, Willemse dismissed their version and said there wassubstantial medical evidence before her about the nature of theinjuries suffered by Jandre."I accept the evidence of the medical personnel who are experts intheir fields. There were substantial documents placed before me. Mostof them have medical experience which spans over a period of 15 years."All of them have dismissed the version of the accused and wereunanimous that the deceased's injuries were inflicted over a period oftime."It is unthinkable that the mother of the child could not have knownabout these fatal injuries. The deceased also had broken legs, and hismother should have been aware of this."The magistrate criticised Hanelie for failing to report Jandre's abuseat the hands of her lover to the social workers monitoring Jandre'sprogress, after she had gained custody of him during a lengthy courtbattle with her ex-husband. She also failed to report the abuse to herex-husband.The boy's father became aware of Jandre's abuse only on the day of hisdeath, June 12, 2003. De Nysschen contacted him and said Jandre hadfallen earlier in the day and had died.Willemse criticised Hanelie's fitness to be a mother, saying herparents later approached her ex-husband and gave him financial help tofight for the custody of his child.Rebuking Hanelie, Willemse said: "Hanelie was not helpless. She waswell aware of Engeline's violent outburst."She could have called the child's father for help but she failed to doso. She did nothing to protect her own child."The magistrate labelled Engeline a liar and a hopeless witness who hadcontradicted herself in testimony.Hanelie and De Nysschen were further convicted of assault with intentto do grievous bodily harm and child neglect for failing to provide orseek treatment for Jandre's limb fractures.
The case was postponed until June 26 for a pre-sentencing report.News updates - March 24, 2006 24 March, 2006 StarThe Gauteng Department of Social Development is investigating a case ofnegligence against a social worker following the death of a 4-year-oldchild. The government is expected to study the finding of a VereenigingRegional Court magistrate who ruled that Denise Herbst, who was taskedto monitor Jandre Botha while under the care of her mother, failed to do so.

Jan Botha says the courts and social workers were to blame for thedeath of his son Jandre. Four years ago, Botha laid criminal chargesagainst his former wife and her lesbian partner for abusing his child.

Courts failed my son - dad The father of a four-year-old boy, who was beaten so badly for refusingto call his mother's lesbian lover "Daddy" that he died of hisinjuries, says the courts and social workers are to blame for the deathof his son.Little Jandre Botha sustained horrific injuries, including a fracturedskull and brain damage, as well as broken legs, collarbone, hands andpelvis, in the vicious assaults.Jan Botha, Jandre's biological father, was in the public gallery of theVereeniging Regional Court this week when his former wife, HanelieBotha, 31, and her partner, Engeline de Nysschen, 33, were found guiltyof the brutal murder of his son.He sat in court holding the hand of his fiancée, Yolanda Deysel, andlistened attentively to magistrate Rita Willemse, who, in her judgment,accepted evidence that among the factors that led to Jandre's brutalordeal was his refusal to call De Nysschen "Daddy".Four years ago, Botha laid criminal charges against his former wife andher lesbian partner for abusing his child. A Mokopane (Potgietersrus)court dismissed the case against Hanelie Botha and De Nysschen. Later,he tried to gain custody of the child, but was denied.Botha recounted how the court had failed to accept his version that thetwo women were mistreating his child soon after his divorce in 1999.Commenting on their murder conviction, Botha said: "I am very happythat the court of Vereeniging has accepted my version of my child'sabuse at the hands of the two, because the law and the social workersin Potgietersrus failed me."It was proven in court this time that the social workers whorecommended that Hanelie must get custody of Jandre did not do theirjob properly. I laid an assault charge against them four years ago."A year before Jandre's death, the court dismissed the matter on thegrounds that there was no evidence. This was even though Jandre hadbeen absent from pre-school several times - now proved to have been theresult of serial beatings."There was enough incriminating evidence against them, but they werelet free. I'm happy that the prosecution in this case did its jobproperly," Botha said.The magistrate criticised Botha's fitness to be a mother, saying herparents had later approached her ex-husband and had given him financialhelp to fight for the custody of his child.Willemse also labelled De Nysschen a liar and a hopeless witness whohad contradicted herself in testimony.Botha and De Nysschen were further convicted of assault with intent todo grievous bodily harm and child neglect for failing to provide orseek treatment for Jandre's limb fractures.The trial was postponed until June 26 for a pre-sentencing report.Dad blames social workers for son's deathBaldwin Ndaba March 23 2006 at 09:42AMJan Botha says the courts and social workers were to blame for thedeath of his son Jandre.Four years ago, Botha laid criminal charges against his former wife andher lesbian partner for abusing his child.A Mokopane (Potgietersrus) court dismissed the case against HanelieBotha and Engeline de Nysschen. He later tried to gain custody of thechild, but was denied.Botha recounted how the court had failed to accept his version that thetwo women were mistreating his child soon after his divorce in 1999.'I'm happy that the prosecution in this case did its job properly'Commenting on their murder conviction on Wednesday, Botha said: "I amvery happy that the court of Vereeniging has accepted my version of mychild's abuse at the hands of the two, because the law and the socialworkers in Potgietersrus failed me."It was proven in court (Wednesday) that the social workers whorecommended that Hanelie must get custody of Jandre did not do theirjob properly. I laid an assault charge against them four years ago."A year before Jandre's death, the court dismissed the matter on thegrounds that there was no evidence. This was even though Jandre hadbeen absent from pre-school several times - proven now to be due toserial beatings."There was enough incriminating evidence against them, but they werelet free. I'm happy that the prosecution in this case did its jobproperly," Botha said.Lesbian couple accused of murder November 18 2005 at 02:54AMIn January 2003 the high court ordered that 4-year-old Jandre Botha beplaced in the care of his mother.Five months later he was dead - allegedly at the hands of his motherand her lesbian lover. The state believes that Jandre was a victim ofserial abuse perpetrated by the people who were charged with caring forhim.On Thursday, the boy's mother, 30-year-old Hanelie Botha, and herpartner, 32-year-old Engeline de Nysschen, stood in the dock at theVereeniging regional court charged with murder, assault with intent todo grievous bodily harm, child molestation and negligence.On June 12, 2003 Jandre was declared dead. The coroner's report saidthe cause of his death had been a fatal blow to his head. Both womenpleaded not guilty in October last year to all counts.Jandre was a victim of serial abuseDuring the trial, the court heard chilling evidence of abuse: Jandrehad had a broken pelvis which had never been treated; his right handand left collar bone had also been broken but he had never receivedmedical care.Botha refused to testify under oath to rebuke substantial medicalevidence that Jandre had been a victim of serial abuse. Instead, shesubmitted a statement to the court pointing the finger of blame at herlover.She said that on June 2, 2003, her partner had arrived at their home inDrie Rivier, Vereeniging, with food for them but had become angry whenshe realised they had already eaten."She had earlier phoned me and said I should not cook dinner becauseshe would bring food for us. I had ignored her order because we werevery hungry earlier that day.Upon realising we had eaten already, she became furious and insistedthat Jandre eat the food she had brought," the statement read. She saidJandre had tried to eat but had vomited, prompting De Nysschen toassault him repeatedly with a slipper.She was doing this 'to instil discipline in him'"I grabbed my child and removed him from her. Later on the two of uswatched TV while Jandre was in the bath. Then we heard Jandreshrieking."Botha said they had taken him to hospital and De Nysschen had orderedher to tell the hospital authorities that he had fallen in the bath.The hospital's medical staff discovered that he had a blue mark on hissternum which could have been sustained more than a month previously.Earlier the court heard that in 2002 Jandre's father, Jan Botha, hadsuspected that Jandre was being abused and had contacted authorities. Adoctor confirmed his fears and Jandre was placed in foster care.However, in January 2003, Botha successfully applied to the high courtto have Jandre returned to her custody.State prosecutor Deon Barnard used the extensive medical evidence togrill De Nysschen in an attempt to prove that both women had abusedJandre. De Nysschen said Botha had assaulted Jandre on numerousoccasions. She said Botha had always said she was doing this "to instildiscipline in him".De Nysschen testified that she, too, had occasionally slapped Jandrewhen he was naughty, but denied she had used brute force. She said theonly time she had assaulted Jandre was on June 2 when she had punchedhim hard in his face. The case was postponed until November 30. -Mercury Correspondent This article was originally published on page 3of The Mercury on November 18, 2005

Monday, 21 February 2011

“Perv 'Dad' For Fun”

“Frank Lombard is the associate director of Duke’s Center for Health Policy. The university administrator was recently arrested by the FBI and charged with offering up his adopted 5-year-old son for sex. I tried to contact Frank Lombard over the weekend to probe his expertise regarding the health benefits of raping small children. So far, he’s declined to comment.
University administrator Lombard is accused of logging on to a chat room online and describing himself as a “perv dad for fun.” The detective who wisely looked into the suspicious screen name says that Lombard admitted to molesting his own adopted son. All this was before allegedly inviting a stranger to travel to North Carolina from another state to statutorily rape his already-molested adopted son.
More from the article, “… it will be interesting to see how Duke faculty members respond to Frank Lombard. Because he is white, Lombard is fair game at Duke, isn’t he? But Lombard is also gay, so will that complicate things?
Unfortunately for Frank Lombard, the affidavit in support of his arrest warrant shows that this second Duke rape case will also have a strong racial component. According to a confidential source (CS) a man using the user name “cooper2” or “cooperse” logged onto an internet-based video chat room. CS saw him perform oral sex on an African-American child under the age of ten. He also performed other acts on the child, which are too obscene to be described in this column.
The user name “cooper2” has now been linked to Frank Lombard, the associate director Duke University’s Center for Health Policy. A second source has now alleged that ‘cooper2′ has confessed to being ‘into incest’ and that he has adopted two African American children.”
So hear you have a White gay man performing oral sex on a Black child and most media outlets somehow neglect to include that information? Interesting. Well no, not interesting, it is absolutely disgusting! Scandelous! Shameful. If the child had been white it would have been a differerent story with the white supremacist media.

My Comment On The Gay Pedophile Adopter Who Abused Child And Passed Child To Other Pedos For Abuse

May there be a special place in hell for evil, perverted sick bastards like this.

Also for those who place helpless innocent children into the hands of evil, sick peodophile perverts.

Rest assured, one day, you will have to answer to God for it.

Men In My Town

Comments made on another website after the article about the white, male peodophile who adopted an African American boy, abused him and offered him for abuse to other peodophiles.

Pray that the child receives the love and support he will need to grow up strong and live in peace.

My name is Keith Smith. I was abducted, beaten and raped by a stranger. It wasn't a neighbor, a coach, a relative, a family friend or teacher. It was a recidivist pedophile predator who spent time in prison for previous sex crimes; an animal hunting for victims in the quiet suburbs of Lincoln, Rhode Island.

I was able to identify the guy and the car he was driving. He was arrested and indicted but never went to trial. His trial never took place because he was brutally beaten to death in Providence before his court date. 34 years later, no one has ever been charged with the crime.

In the time between the night of my assault and the night he was murdered, I lived in fear. I was afraid he was still around town. Afraid he was looking for me. Afraid he would track me down and kill me. The fear didn’t go away when he was murdered. Although he was no longer a threat, the simple life and innocence of a 14-year-old boy was gone forever. Carefree childhood thoughts replaced with the unrelenting realization that my world wasn’t a safe place. My peace shattered by a horrific criminal act of sexual violence.

Over the past 34 years, I’ve been haunted by horrible, recurring memories of what he did to me. He visits me in my sleep. There have been dreams–nightmares actually–dozens of them, sweat inducing, yelling-in-my-sleep nightmares filled with images and emotions as real as they were when it actually happened. It doesn’t get easier over time. Long dead, he still visits me, silently sneaking up from out of nowhere when I least expect it. From the grave, he sits by my side on the couch every time the evening news reports a child abduction or sex crime. I don’t watch America’s Most Wanted or Law and Order SVU, because the stories are a catalyst, triggering long suppressed emotions, feelings, memories, fear and horror. Real life horror stories rip painful suppressed memories out from where they hide, from that recessed place in my brain that stores dark, dangerous, horrible memories. It happened when William Bonin confessed to abducting, raping and murdering 14 boys in California; when Jesse Timmendequas raped and murdered Megan Kanka in New Jersey; when Ben Ownby, missing for four days, and Shawn Hornbeck, missing for four years, were recovered in Missouri.

Despite what happened that night and the constant reminders that continue to haunt me years later, I wouldn’t change what happened. The animal that attacked me was a serial predator, a violent pedophile trolling my neighborhood in Lincoln, Rhode Island looking for young boys. He beat me, raped me, and I stayed alive. I lived to see him arrested, indicted and murdered. It might not have turned out this way if he had grabbed one of my friends or another kid from my neighborhood. Perhaps he’d still be alive. Perhaps there would be dozens of more victims and perhaps he would have progressed to the point of silencing his victims by murdering them.

Out of fear, shame and guilt, I’ve been silent for over three decades, not sharing with anyone the story of what happened to me. No more. The silence has to end. What happened to me wasn't my fault. The fear, the shame, the guilt have to go. It’s time to stop keeping this secret from the people closest to me, people I care about, people I love, my long-time friends and my family. It’s time to speak out to raise public awareness of male sexual assault, to let other survivors know that they’re not alone and to help survivors of rape and violent crime understand that the emotion, fear and memories that may still haunt them are not uncommon to those of us who have shared a similar experience.

My novel, Men in My Town, was inspired by these actual events. Men in My Town is available now at

For those who suffer in silence, I hope my story brings some comfort, strength, peace and hope.

For additional information, please visit the Men in My Town blog at
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Nicola 1 year ago

You forgot to mention another component to this story...

As I note in my own blog post, Lombard allegedly said in one of his chats that he specifically targeted black boys for adoption because they're easier to adopt than white children.

Can you imagine how many people must have vouched for this man? I'm not very up on adoption procedures, but I imagine you have to jump through all kinds of hoops and get recommendations and all that... not one single sign that this dude was an alleged perv baby-rapist.

This isn't new, orphans being adopted just for abuse, but it sure stings more to know that black children are targeted even more.

I haven't seen too much of this story in the news myself, and I almost skipped over it too b/c of the "plain" headline. Then I read the first graf...

May GOD have mercy on those two children.
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edward 1 year ago

The defining attribute should be Gay man, not white man. Studies show a preponderance of man-boy sex among gays.

Abuse of sanity: The truth about how a council allowed the 1st ever gay male couple in the UK to adopt children. Then they abused them.

So politically correct has adoption become, a council allowed these gay paedophiles to foster young boys even, as one mother reveals here, turning a blind eye when presented with evidence of their horrifying abuse

While the events unfolding in her living room were tense and awkward, the young mother did not believe that her unease augured anything more inauspicious or alarming. With the benefit of hindsight, of course, she has now had ample time to reflect on how that gnawing anxiety was justified.

Jailed: Craig Faunch and Ian Wathey

Miss X, as she must be known, had placed her eight-year-old twin boys into foster care in 2004 after finding herself unable to cope with life as a single parent of four boisterous youngsters.
That they had been placed with a gay couple, Craig Faunch and Ian Wathey the first homosexual couple in Yorkshire to be approved by the authorities as foster parents was, she told friends, incidental: she was just happy that someone was taking good care of them.
That sentiment changed, however, when she was shown a compromising naked photograph of her son while they were on one of their regular visits home.
The photo featuring her son urinating was unsettling enough for Miss X to complain to the social services department of her local council in Wakefield, Yorkshire.
It is the sort of serious incident that might, you imagine, herald the start of a strict set of investigative procedures.
Instead, the matter was resolved if that is the correct word over an uncomfortable meeting in Miss X's living room in May 2004, during which, she recalls, 32-year-old Faunch declared that he had taken the photograph to embarrass her son into closing the door when he went to the toilet.
The dubious explanation was enough to satisfy the social services managers present, who brought the inquiry to a swift conclusion (as well as apparently losing the incriminating photograph in the process).
It was to be another eight months before another boy in their care was to raise the alarm.
Eighteen months later, in June last year, both Faunch and Wathey were jailed for a total of 11 years after being convicted of a dozen offences relating to four of the boys in their care.
The pair had looked after 18 children in only 15 months after being approved by the council, but under the guise of caring men offering a helping hand to disadvantaged youngsters, had sexually abused vulnerable children for their own gratification.
Neither man, Leeds Crown Court was told last year, had shown any empathy or remorse.
Both are now serving prison sentences for their despicable crimes.
Nonetheless, the repercussions have continued to rumble, and in a scathing independentlyauthored report issued this week, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council found itself the subject of robust condemnation.
They had, the report concluded, left the couple free to sexually abuse youngsters in their care because of fears of discrimination if they launched an investigation.
By virtue of their sexuality, the report suggested, the men were "trophy carers" who were not subject to the same rigorous assessment as others.
At a time when gay couples can legally adopt children for the first time, the criticism raises serious questions about vetting procedures, as well as
fears that the crimes of two men could have repercussions for genuine gay foster parents.
For Miss X, of course, the issue is a far more simple one: a shocking betrayal of trust.
As she says: "I was so angry when I found out that the council hadn't taken their investigation further and, at least, contacted the police about it.
"I am horrified that they let more children go into that house, It's sick.
"Now, so many more people have also had their lives turned upside down.
"Like others, I trusted them 100per cent and they let me down."
It is a sentiment echoed by the mothers of Faunch and Wathey's two other young victims, not to mention others who have found themselves at the sharp end of council mismanagement.
For it is not the first time that Wakefield council has found its provision of care for disadvantaged young people in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
Last month, six care workers formerly employed by the council won a compensation payout estimated to be in the region of £1million in an out-ofcourtsettlement after blowing the whistle on standards of care in the children's homes where they worked.
All of them had been sacked after revealing a shocking catalogue of mismanagement, a raft of failings which included allowing children as young as 12 to engage in sexual relationships, a child worker buying and smoking drugs with children in his care and failures in staff criminal record checks.
Such a depressing litany of failures would seem to have had no bearing on sending the boys to stay with the two men in Sides Road, Pontefract, from the summer of 2003.
Faunch and Wathey had settled in the three-bedroom semi-detached house on a pleasant cul-de-sac five years earlier and, like so many paedophiles, appeared to be perfectly respectable members of society.
This strikingly odd couple 40-year-old Wathey, 6ft tall and thick set was regarded as a quiet, "Gentle Giant" while Faunch is a slim 5ft 6in and nicknamed "Tweetie Pie" at school because of his voice and stature both grew up near Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
The men were living at home with their divorced mothers when they met ten years ago, quickly coming out to their respective friends and families before, in 1998, they decided to move in together.
Money, according to friends, was often in short supply, with both men undertaking a number of distinctly mundane jobs over the years, including working for a local frozen food firm and a mail order home shopping catalogue company.
They seemed, neighbours recall, unlikely trailblazers for gay rights, although in fact Faunch in particular was outspoken on the subject.
And whether or not it was at his behest, five years ago, the couple applied to Wakefield council to become professional foster parents.
When, in July 2003, they received permission, Faunch and Wathey became among the first homosexual couples in England to be approved, and the first in Yorkshire.
The milestone passed quietly enough.
Faunch and Wathey were treated no differently to any other foster parents by social services, passing the same training courses and undergoing the same standard vetting procedures.
Routine checks revealed they did not have a criminal record and had never been in trouble with police, and, with a desperate shortage of foster parents in the Yorkshire area, began their new role in the summer of 2003 as soon as the social services fostering panel formally approved their applications.
The couple's request only to look after boys in the five to 12 age bracket apparently passed unremarked, with managers accepting Faunch and Wathey's explanation that they didn't feel "equipped" to care for girls.
Perhaps social services should have talked to members of the local community, many of whom had a strong sense that it was not pure altruism that had persuaded the gay couple to bring young boys into their home.
As local gossip would have it, it was the money.
Neither man went out to work and appeared to be living off funds from Wakefield's social services department.
Cash was used, according to one neighbour, to fund weekends away with the boys at the nearby seaside resorts of Cleethorpes and Skegness in the motorhome they owned.
Of course, we now know that the couple's motivation was even more sinister: both men were paedophiles.
And less than a year after they had first been approved, Miss X was moved to flag up her concerns to social services.
During one of her regular visits with the twins, a grinning Faunch had shown her the picture of her son urinating during a visit to Butlin's holiday camp in Skegness.
A similar snap had also been taken of the other twin.
Deeply disturbed, the 34-yearold single mother refused to let the twins return to the foster home and lodged an official complaint with the council.
But while a social worker took the offending photograph and promised a full investigation the result, as we have seen, was merely that awkward living room meeting.
After that, Miss X was told nothing of what happened next, left instead to assume that the council had thoroughly investigated the matter.
In fact, far from taking any further action, the council had sent Faunch and Wathey more youngsters, including some with more serious problems, even providing extra bunk beds and a Ford Galaxy people carrier to assist with any transportation problems.
"Moving up in the world," one neighbour ruefully remarked.
Behind the scenes, however, it was the couple's deviancy that had moved on to another level.
Among the new "recruits" to their foster army was a 14-year old-boy with Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism, who spent the weekends with the men to afford his mother some respite care.
With a mental age of seven and learning difficulties, the boy's 36-year- old mother found it hard to juggle her son's special needs alongside those of her other two children-and had turned to Wakefield-social services for help.
"I was at breaking point when Craig and Ian came along," she recalls.
"At the time, it was the answer to my prayers.
"I looked after my son myself during the week and at weekends could recharge my batteries and spend time with the other kids."
How could she have guessed that her son was being sexually abused by the foster carers in the privacy of their home knowing that he was unlikely to say anything because of his condition?
In harrowing evidence given to Leeds Crown Court last year, the boy recalled how Wathey had made him watch gay pornography while he touched himself and, on nine other occasions, had also subjected the boy to an explicit sex act as he lay in bed, telling him he must not tell his mother.
He had also, the boy also told the court, been fondled on several occasions by Faunch as they sat on the living room sofa. "I don't like them anymore," he told the court.
"I want them to go to prison."
Who knows how long this catalogue of abuse may have continued?
In fact, it was only after a fourth child, also aged 14, reported to an adult friend that he had been inappropriately touched that the police became involved.
After one of the incidents, he told the court, he had used a full bottle of shower gel in the shower in a bid to scrub away the memory of the event. "It hurt," he said.
The police were finally informed, and launched an investigation, during which they discovered an indecent video of the fostered twins taking a shower which had been filmed just days after their naked photo had been taken.
Police also uncovered a hardcore gay pornographic film in the recorder of Faunch and Wathey's bedroom.
The film, A Young Man's World, features the exploits of a group of older men lusting after and performing sex acts with young males.
In June last year, Faunch was convicted of five sexual offences of sexual activity with a 14-year-old and two offences of taking indecent photos.
Wathey was found guilty of four offences of sexual activity with another 14-year-old boy and a charge of encouraging a child to watch a gay porn movie.
Neither showed any remorse.
Indeed, it perhaps suggests something of the couple's attitude towards the legal proceedings that just weeks before they stood trial in June last year, the men chose to formalise their relationship in a civil partnership ceremony in Pontefract.
Little wonder that, when sentencing Faunch and Wathey at Leeds Crown Court last summer, Judge Susan Cahill said it was "quite incredible" that the police had not been called in after concerns were initially raised by the mother of the twin boys.
It is a sentiment echoed by the authors of this week's report, who also made 41 recommendations for overhauling the council's fostering process.
Only time will tell, of course, whether these recommendations will be implemented.
In the meantime, the mothers of the boys concerned are left to deal with the emotional consequences behind the bureaucratic machine.
As the mother of the 14-year old with Asperger's put it. "I just do not know the long-term damage this may have done to my son.
"If social workers had done their job and taken the twins more seriously in the first place, my son would never have gone there."
This week, a spokeswoman for Wakefield council declined to comment, declaring it would be "inappropriate" to do so until after a meeting of all council members is held on Wednesday.
"Inappropriate", of course, being rather a key word throughout this sorry saga and one that should have been used far earlier.
Additional reporting by Chris Brooke.

This was the first gay male couple in the UK to be approved for foster care. Social workers said that they were afraid of being labeled homophobes and ignored some signs that would've otherwise indicated abuse.

What utter, grotesque evil cowards! They preferred to allow innocent, helpless male children to be molested, abused and sodomized rather than be called homophobes?
For these sick, perverted sodomite and peodophile enablers may there be a special place in hell.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Becci Hill - Female Peodophile

School Counselor Guilty of Having Sex With an Autistic Child

Becci Hill, 31, was arrested in July 2006, and charged with sexual misconduct and child solicitation. At the time of her arrest, Hill was working as a behavioral counselor at Sanders School in Indianapolis, Indiana. She had been in her position for four years. On the night of her arrest, the police noticed Hill's car parked along a rural road at 3:30 in the morning. Inside the car was Hill and a young boy, both nude and engaging in sex. Upon investigation it was determined that the boy was 15 years old and autistic.
On January 11, 2007, Hill pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct with a minor. According to reports, Hill, once the boy's mentor, had been sexually abusing him for about a year.
She was sentenced to two years in prison, three years probation and she will be required to register as a sex offender.

Karla Homolka - Child Rapist, Torturer and Killer

One of Canada's most infamous female convicts, Karla Homolka, was released from prison after serving a short 12-year sentence for her involvement in drugging, raping, torturing and killing young girls over a decade ago. The dead teens included her own young sister whose innocence was offered by Homolka to her boyfriend as a gift.

Karla Homolka was born on May 4, 1970 to Dorothy and Karel Homolka in Port Credit, Ontario. She was the oldest child of three, well adjusted, pretty, smart, popular and received ample love and attention by friends and family. Karla developed a passion for animals and after high school she went to work at a veterinary clinic. On outside appearances, everything about Karla seemed normal. No one suspected that she was hiding deep psychotic desires that had yet to be unleashed.

Homolka and Bernardo Meet:

At age 17 Homolka attended a pet convention in Toronto and met 23-year-old, Paul Bernardo. Like Homolka, Bernardo was an attractive blonde, appeared to be smart and charmingly persuasive. The two had sex on the day that they first met. They quickly discovered that they shared the same sado-masochistic desires, with Paul moving quickly into the position of master, and Homolka willingly taking the role as slave, obsessed with fulfilling Bernardo's every fantasy.

Scarborough Rapist:

Over the next few years the relationship between Homolka and Bernardo intensified and they shared and encouraged each other's psychotic behavior. It was during this time that Bernardo was involved in raping women with the approval of Homolka. The uncaught Bernardo was dubbed as the Scarborough Rapist by the police and the media. His specialty was to attack women getting off of busses, making them endure violent anal rape and different levels of humiliation.

A Surrogate Virgin:

One of Bernardo's constant complaints with Homolka was that she was not a virgin when they met. Homolka, devoted to pleasing Bernardo every way possible, knew of his attraction to her 15-year-old sister, Tammy, whose virginity was intact. The two decided that they would force Tammy into being a surrogate virgin for her older sister. To help accomplish this, Homolka stole the animal anesthetic, Halothane from the vet clinic where she worked.

Death In Exchange for Pleasure:

On December 23, 1990, at a Christmas party at the Homolka family home, Bernardo and Homolka served Tammy alcoholic drinks spiked with halcyon. After family members retired, the two took Tammy to the basement and Homolka held a cloth soaked in Halothane to Tammy's mouth. Once Tammy was unconscious the couple raped her. During the rape Tammy began choking on her own vomit and ultimately died. The drugs in Tammy's system went undetected and her death was officially ruled an accident.

Replacing Tammy:

Homolka and Bernardo, unscathed by the death of Tammy, moved in together. Bernardo blamed Homolka for Tammy's death and complained that she was no longer around for Bernardo to enjoy sexually. Homolka decided a teenager named Jane would make a good replacement. She was young and virginal and seemed to idolize the attractive and older Homolka. Homolka invited the unsuspecting teen out to dinner, and like with Tammy, she spiked the girl's drinks then invited the intoxicated teen to her home.

Another Present for Bernardo:

Once there, Homolka administered the Halothane, and presented her present, the young pretty Jane, to Bernardo. The couple then engaged in brutal sexual attacks of the unconscious teen, capturing the events on videotape. The next day when the teenager awoke, she was sick and sore but had no idea of the violation her body had endured. Jane, unlike others, was one victim that managed to survive the encounter with the couple.

Leslie Mahaffy :

The thirst for Bernardo to share his rapist activities with his lover Homolka increased. On June 15, 1991 Bernardo kidnapped Leslie Mahaffy and brought her to the couple's home. Bernardo and Homolka repeatedly raped Mahaffy over a course of several days, videotaping many of the assaults. They eventually killed Mahaffy and cut her body into pieces, encased the pieces in cement, and threw the cement in a lake. On June 29 Mahaffy's remains were found by a couple canoeing on the lake.

Bernardo and Homolka Marry:

June 29 was also the day that Bernardo and Homolka were married in an elaborate wedding held at the Niagara-on-the-Lake church. Bernardo had been in control of the wedding plans which included the two riding in a white horse-drawn carriage with the bride dressed in an expensive white gown. The wedding guests were served a lavish sit-down meal after the couple exchanged their vows which included, at Bernardo's insistence Homolka vowing to "love, honor, and obey' her new husband.

Kristen French On April 16, 1992, the couple kidnapped 15-year-old Kristen French from a church parking lot after Homolka lured her to their car, pretending to need directions. The couple brought French to their home and for several days videotaped their acts of humiliating, torturing and sexually abusing the teen. French tried hard to survive the attack but right before the couple left for Easter Sunday dinner with Homolka's family, they killed her. Her body was found on April 30 in a ditch in Burlington.

A witness to the kidnapping of Kristen French contacted police with a description of the car suspected as being used during the assault. The witness, unable to identify the car make, selected a white Camaro as the closest looking to the car she saw. As a result, the billboard was put up by the police with a Camaro pictured as the car make used during the kidnapping. Bernardo actually drove a Nissan, which looked nothing like the Camaro.

The End of Homolka and Bernardo

Homolka Leaves Bernardo :

In January 1993 Homolka separated from Bernardo because of the constant physical abuse that he subjected her to beginning in the summer of 1992. His attacks had become increasingly ferocious, resulting in Homolka being hospitalized. She left him and moved in with friends of her sister, one of which was a police officer.

Closing In On the Scarborough Rapist:

Evidence in helping police identify the Scarborough Rapist was building and after a composite drawing of the suspect was released a work associate of Bernardo's contacted the police and reported that Bernardo looks matched the sketch. The police interviewed Bernardo and obtained a saliva swab from him which later tested positive, but it was not until 1993 that an exact forensic match was made proving Bernardo was the Scarborough Rapist.

The Ontario Green Ribbon Task Force:

The Ontario Green Ribbon Task Force assigned to solving the murders of the girls was closing in on Bernardo and Homolka. Homolka was fingerprinted and questioned. Of particular interest to the detectives was regarding a Mickey Mouse watch that Homolka had that looked like one that Kristen French had on the night she disappeared. Homolka learned during the questioning that Bernardo was identified as the Scarborough rapist. She also knew the rest of their crimes would soon be uncovered.

Homolka Begins to Talk:

Homolka, realizing the pair was going to be caught, confessed to her uncle that Bernardo was a serial rapist and murderer. She also obtained a lawyer and began negotiations into a plea bargain in exchange for her testimony against Bernardo. In mid-February, Bernardo was arrested and charged with the Scarborough rapes and the murders of Mahaffy and French. During the search of the couples home, a diary of Bernardo's with written descriptions of each crime was discovered.

The Worst Plea Bargain In Canada's History:

A plea bargain was discussed for Homolka which she would get a twelve year sentence for her participation in the crimes in exchange for her testimony. The government agreed to her being eligible for parole after serving three years with good behavior. Homolka quickly agreed to all terms and the deal was set. Later, after all evidence was in, the plea bargain became known as being one of the worst in the history of Canada, with the government accused of making a deal with the Devil.

A Deal Is A Deal - Even with The Devil:

Homolka always portrayed herself as an abused wife forced into participating in Bernardo's criminal activity. It was not until the several videotapes that Homolka and Bernardo made were turned into police by an ex-lawyer of Bernardo's, that it became clear that Homolka enjoyed herself with their victims and the truth to Homolka's involvement in the crimes came to light. Regardless of her obvious guilt now coming to light, a deal was a deal, and she could not be retried for her crimes.

Denied Parole:

Bernardo ended up being convicted on all counts of rape and murder and he received a life sentence on September 1, 1995. Homolka went before the parole board in March, 2001 but the National Parole Board denied her application for parole, stating "The board believes that, if released, you are likely to commit an offence causing the death of or serious harm to another person before the expiration of the sentence you are now serving."

Party Prison:

Rumors of Homolka's incarceration being too lenient surfaced after pictures of her sunbathing and partying with other prisoners was published in Canadian newspapers. It was also rumored that she was in a lesbian relationship with Christina Sherry, who was a convicted child-rapist. It was later determined however, that her lesbian lover was not Sherry but instead, Lynda Verrouneau, convicted of participating in a bank robbery.

Homoka's Release:

Homolka is soon scheduled for release. Her safety after her release is in question because she has received threats from several groups who feel she has not been adequately punished.

Where Is The Female Pervert, Child Rapist, Torturer And Murderer Karla Homolka?

Ok. Lets see. Whatever did happen to the person who society deems to be one of the superiors in this world due to her hue. (skin color) This same superior female, (white woman) took great delight and pleasure in 1) Raping young girls 2) Torturing young girls 3) Raping her own sister 4) Watching her husband Paul _____ rape her sister. 5) Murdering her sister. OK, I think I'll save your stomach. But she also did a whole lot more. So, what happened to this sick, evil individual? She struck a plea bargain with the Canadian (obvious crooked and perverse) legal system, served only 12 years in prison for her sick crimes. She is now out and living i the Caribbean - in the Bahamas apparently. Where is the justice in that? If her whereabouts is not made totally public to the people who are being forced to live with her in their midst, (and I doubt very much it will be) all I can say is, God help them. God help the people who have had this sick pervert put amongst them without them even knowing it. How disrespectful. Totally disrespectful. God help that community. I pray God protects them, especially the innocent children.


i think anyone who thinks this lady deserves a secound chance at life is a dumb f*** ing idiot...... honestly she MURDERED and RAPED her SISTER ,I'm honestly worried about her son ..sexual abuse?? yeah pretty big thing ..she should never and i mean never be aloud to have a child ..take care of a child or be with anyone under the age of 20 ...she's an unstable person.... you all can't say she's paid her time she's lied alot and you know what she got prosecuted for what she told them theres alot more shit she did that the police are not aware of I'm sure of it ..and the her supposed boyfriend or maybe hubby now yeah GROSE you touching a woman that hand her hands on young children does it feel good knowing your fucking a child rapist ..ewwww i hope you catch something and die for you miss KARLA yeah KARLA miss I'm so scared people are going to hurt me i moved away ...ok if anything we should be scared your going to go after our children ..honeslty do you have any respect for the families you've hurt you have any idea how much their hurting knowing you havea child after you took theirs ..your an ignorant piece of shit ..i hope your never happy and i hope you remmember every day that you killed your own sister aswell as two other beautiful girls that didn't get their chance to shine upon life thanks to can't say you were scared you can't say you were helpless you weren't you had a choice and you fucked up royaly your a dirty slut that shouldn't be giving the time of day ....

  • corinna says:
    As someone from St. Catharines, the only reason she got 12 years was because Paul's lawyer hid the tapes of the crimes until after her plea bargain was granted. She would be doing life as well if they had seen those tapes before hand. Did you also know that she has not apologized to one of those families yet? I would have been terrified to leave jail if I were her. I'm surprised/impressed she's still alive.

  • Anthony says:
    I know for a fact that Luka Magnotta and Karla Homolka are BOTH living in the Bahamas together and have a son. Luka and Karla have pics together

  • DJ says:
    Karla, I hope you read this! You are one sick individual! Paul (The Scarborough Rapist) never killed to my knowledge, mamed, or tortured until he met you! Not to say Paul is an angel by any stretch but what you did in comparison was night & day! You are very lucky to be somewhat free. How does it feel to be the hunted? It's really just a matter of time before someone, somewhere gets you when you least expect it. Have fun looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life you sadistic B!tch ! I know that if any of the girls were my daughters I wouldn't give it a second thought to hunt you down! Just think, like I said when you least expect it....... ENJOY !

  • annonymous says:
    Karla was and probably still is, sick and sadistic, just like Paul, it's a shame that she only served 12 years, she should still be rotting in jail for her crimes- anybody who believes otherwise is not in their right minds- she does not deserve friends, or her freedom- she was directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of three young children, one of whom was her own sister- the fact that she has never shown any remorse or apoligized to the Mahaffey or French families is example of the pyschopath she truly is...let us not be fooled by a wolf in sheeps clothing ever again!!!!!!

  • Frances says:
    I couldn't agree more with the idea that she should have to register as a sex offender. If someone chooses to hunt her down and kill her, then that's just the way things go. That person will have to pay the consequences of their actions. (unlike Karla, might I add.) Canadian tax dollars are continuing to be wasted to harbor Karla. It is appalling that the government is choosing to protect her! Who was there to protect Kristen French , Leslie Mahaffy, and Tammy Homolka!?! And why hasn't Paul's lawyer been charged with withholding evidence!?! Her deal should've been thrown out the window because she BLATANTLY lied about her involvement in the crimes! The Canadian courts dropped the ball in a major way in this case.

  • Kate says:
    It is not fair that Karla is free and has the opportunity to have a child and raise that child and have a family. The girls whose lives she took will never have that opportunity, and neither should she...

  • totallyshocked says:
    Just watched the documentary, Wicked Attractions, about Karla and Paul's crimes. It was so shocking. I agree with the poster who said, once they determined she had lied, the deal should have been off since the deal was based on what the believed were the facts. She will have to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life, and like Jeffrey Dahlmer, who was murdered in prison, I do believe her fate has to be that of what they both inflicted upon the innocent children they stalked, tortured, raped and killed. My God, she should be in prison for the rest of her life. If she was, I could find some mercy for her knowing that she is paying for her crimes. But she is free, physically, but mentally she is imprisoned which can be just as bad as being in prison, we can only hope. And don't worry, her suffering has not even begun yet. Karma will deal with Karla in her next life. She will be punished, it is inevitable and I just take comfort knowing that she suffers mental anguish and is haunted by her vicious crimes. I do believe she will die a violent death, if not suicide or be institutionalized for insanity. One way or another, I see her suffering mentally and after her death, she will have to answer to God, and this is where she will be in an unenviable position. The child will be OK with its father.